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High vantage point- high vantage point allows you to go above what your photographing and take the picture which causes the picture to look more dramatic. 

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high contrast- for this you change your photo into black and level it to make it more desirable .

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leading lines- this draws the viewers attention to a point of interest. 

low-vantage points- to achieve this you get below what your photographing and shoot up, this makes the picture look more dramatic.

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 Binet + Hervè- They use high contrast in their black and white to make them look more dramatic which went against the aesthetic at the time.

herve link.jpg
binet link.jpg
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David Carson- Carson typically used bright colours and distorted text which caused his designs to have a grunge or high energy look to them , he did this as at the time people more commonly used a simple easy font when designing and he didn't like it so he stepped out of the box casing a lot of people to fall in love with his work. 

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Paula Scher- Paula  Scher used an eclectic approach to typography making it very popular. Her text interacts with her images causing a sort of grunge funk vibe, her approach at the time was very modern and at the time was very outside the box for the time meaning many people didn't agree with her approach.


My designs we influenced by the critical links as for Paula Scher she uses bright colours and un-even text which makes her work stand out and look more grungy/free looking.
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David Carson influenced my work as his wrk is also grungy as he was a surfer it gives off that vibe throughout all f his work. Carson wanted to reflect the energy of surfing in his use of typography.
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